Friday, July 24, 2009 intersting analysis

I love dogs because of their loyalty. But i never had one( Dad dislikes them..). Dogs are very intersting creatures and they have some peculiar habits.
I know everyone of you would have seen DOG's but does anyone of you have seen them in the way i see them ? Check this out and let me know on how many points you guys agree me and how many points are new to you. BTW - this applies to all the DOG's in this planet

1. Dogs before sitting (anywhere / anytime) they used to come around that place 3 times and then only it will sit. (Without doing that, they will never sit)
2. Dogs run from one place to another and stand there for couple of seconds and then come back to the same place from where they started.
3. Dogs while running (chasing) / walking always have their toungue out.
4. Dogs always use their left hind leg to scratch its left side of the body, to scratch their right side of their body they use their teeth and not the right hind leg. (I found out this after researching umpteen number of dogs)
5. Dogs while fighting with another dog always have their EARS straightened hard, it will not be soft as like its normal posture (I luv dog's ears, it will be soooo soft)
6. Dogs before peeing on any object will smell that object for a long time and then only pee on it.
7. Dogs are the quickest animal in the world to pee in a very short time, they actually take just 4 to 5 seconds for going 2 toilet, within no time they finish off that task.( Superfast...)
8. Dogs never deliver puppies in a broad day light, they have the sense of estimating their delivery time and make sure that it delivers in a DARK place
9. Dog's tail is always let out when it sleeps, that inturn serves as a sensor which will alert them from any potential danger( good topic for projects...)
10. The ability of dog's tracing back to it's home is purely by the sense of smell. What smell ?? of course its URINE. That's the way two groups of dog demark their boundary in an area.(they form gangs too...)


Mukund said...

I accept with the other points but not the first one because I had a puppy in my house and it sat where ever it felt like. Any way, really interesting post!!

Everything About Blogging

cooldrizzles said...

lol room potu
yosichiya idha pathi :D

Naren said...

@ mukund-may be because it was a just puppy, u shud see a grown one
@ divya- info by roamin on

the confused indian!! said...

abey saale...kya post nikaala hai...tere akal ko main salute karta hoon..ab agla post diff tpes of bow bow par wrk...

GAYATHRI said...

@naren regd kabaalis suggestion:
diff types of bow bow:
alice's circuits class;
panju's mind-blowing speeches;
machines lab staffs language within lab;
etc etc etc...
in short..REC EEE Dept staffs oda vaaylendhu vella vara elaa sound um:p

Naren said...

@gayathri- remember anyone can read my blog

Lucid Aura said...

I like to comment for certain points in specific because i too had a dog when i was a kid:

Point 1- i have seen the dogs circling the place before they sit but the number of times varies with the place they choose.

Point 2- this is point is only when they play.

Point 4- i have seen my dog scratching using their right limbs too. But the point which you have mentioned is 90% true.

Point 5- u cant touch a dogs ear while they are fighting. If u do that you will have to lose a part of your weight for that.

I agree with all the other points.

The last point is not only true for dogs but most of the animals (well explained in discovery channel)

And finally, u have done a great job in finding so many interesting points about dogs.

I wish ur dad gets u a very cute puppy soon :)

Naren said...

@ brinda- in point 5 i hav mentioned abt their soft ears in normal posture...

GAYATHRI said...

ok ok nalla analysis nadakardhu polruku:p

apoorva said...

Watta doggies luvng pair!!he he
Nice post naren,very informative,coz i luv Dogs to:)

Deepika Mohan said...

ya...apooo is rite...

anyways yup ..ur kinda good at observin' man!!!..i ve not analysed so much in my 3years since my doggy came home....