Friday, July 31, 2009

An Engineer's Valentine

This poem was written for all engineers by Matthew Dalton but it suits electrical engineers the most.Its quite interesting.So here how it goes......

An Engineer's Valentine

I was alone and all was dark

Beneath me and above
My life was full of volts and amps
But not the spark of love

But now that you are here with me
My heart is overjoyed
You've turned the square of my heart
Into a sinusoid

You load things from my memory
Onto my system bus
My life was once assembly code
It's now like C++

I love the way you solder things
My circuits you can fix
The voltage 'cross your diode is
much more than just point six

With your op-amps and resistors
You have built my integrator
I cannot survive without you
You're my function generator

You've changed my world, increased my gain
And made my math discrete
So now I'll end my poem here
Control, Alt, and Delete.

Friday, July 24, 2009 intersting analysis

I love dogs because of their loyalty. But i never had one( Dad dislikes them..). Dogs are very intersting creatures and they have some peculiar habits.
I know everyone of you would have seen DOG's but does anyone of you have seen them in the way i see them ? Check this out and let me know on how many points you guys agree me and how many points are new to you. BTW - this applies to all the DOG's in this planet

1. Dogs before sitting (anywhere / anytime) they used to come around that place 3 times and then only it will sit. (Without doing that, they will never sit)
2. Dogs run from one place to another and stand there for couple of seconds and then come back to the same place from where they started.
3. Dogs while running (chasing) / walking always have their toungue out.
4. Dogs always use their left hind leg to scratch its left side of the body, to scratch their right side of their body they use their teeth and not the right hind leg. (I found out this after researching umpteen number of dogs)
5. Dogs while fighting with another dog always have their EARS straightened hard, it will not be soft as like its normal posture (I luv dog's ears, it will be soooo soft)
6. Dogs before peeing on any object will smell that object for a long time and then only pee on it.
7. Dogs are the quickest animal in the world to pee in a very short time, they actually take just 4 to 5 seconds for going 2 toilet, within no time they finish off that task.( Superfast...)
8. Dogs never deliver puppies in a broad day light, they have the sense of estimating their delivery time and make sure that it delivers in a DARK place
9. Dog's tail is always let out when it sleeps, that inturn serves as a sensor which will alert them from any potential danger( good topic for projects...)
10. The ability of dog's tracing back to it's home is purely by the sense of smell. What smell ?? of course its URINE. That's the way two groups of dog demark their boundary in an area.(they form gangs too...)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can u make them cross the river?

Mother, father, two boys, two girls, a policeman and a convict. cross the river with the help of boat.

Rules for the game.

  1. The convict cannot be alone with any member of the family without the policeman.
  2. The father cannot be with the daugther(s) if the mother is not there.
  3. The mother cannot be with the boy(s) if the father is not there.
  4. Only the father, the mother and the policeman know how to sail the boat (so one of them should be on the boat on each crossing)
  5. The boat holds at most 2 people

click here to play this game. …good luck

PS: Game's a japanese on big blue button to start

Friday, July 17, 2009

Ramayan revisited

People do you think that i am going to write the whole ramayan again.....nope...i just wanna mention this beautiful song from the movie"Ramayan :Shree Ram Katha". I like this song very much particularly the lyrics. If you are interested in watching this movie just check out the youtube or watch star utsav (this channel is too available for chennai ppl) they will put this atleast once a month.

This song is sung by Udit Narayan (one of my favorite singers) .....the song expresses pious feelings of love in a beautiful manner.
This song was themed when ram sent his true devotee Hanuman in search of sita to the lanka. On seeing Hanuman, sita gets feared about the huge person. Then hanuman sings this beautiful song to tell her that he is ram's devotee and he was here with a message from ram.
Sita starts believing only when Hanuman shows her the ring given by Lord Ram.
In short this video highlights the pain of separation between lord Ram and Sita and Hanuman plays a very pivotal role of messenger.

"Jai Shri Ram"

Monday, July 13, 2009

K(no)w our National Anthem

Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he

Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha asisa mage,
Gahe tava jaya gatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he,
Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!

Our National Anthem "Jana Gana Mana" is sung throughout the country.
Did youknow the following about our national anthem?
I didn't. I have always wondered who is the "adhinayak" and "bharat bhagyavidhata",whose praise we are singing. I thought it might be God!

To begin with, India's national anthem, Jana Gana Mana adhinayaka, was written by Rabindranath Tagore in honor of King George V and the Queen of England when they visited India in 1919. To honor their visit Pundit Motilal Nehru had the five stanzas included,which are in praise of the King and Queen. (And most of us think it is in the praise of our great motherland!!!)

In the original Bengali verses only those provinces that were under British rule, i.e. Punjab, Sindh,Gujarat,Maratha.. etc. were mentioned. None of the princely states were recognized which are integral parts of India now - Kashmir,Rajasthan,Andhra, Mysore or Kerala. Neither the Indian Ocean nor the Arabian Sea was included, since they were directly under Portuguese rule at that time.

The Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka implies that King George V is the lord of the masses and Bharata Bhagya Vidhata is "the bestower of good fortune". Following is a translation of the five stanzas which glorify the King:

1st stanza - (Indian) People wake up remembering your good name and ask for your blessings and they sing your glories.

2nd stanza - around your throne people of all religions come and give their love and anxiously wait to hear your kind words.

3rd stanza - Praise to the King for being the charioteer, for leading the ancient travellers beyond misery.

4th stanza - Drowned in the deep ignorance and suffering, poverty stricken,unconscious country? Waiting for the wink of your eye and your mother's (the Queen's) true protection.

5th stanza - in your compassionate plans, the sleeping Bharat (India)will wake up. We bow down to your feet O' Queen, and glory to Rajeshwara (the King).
This whole poem does not indicate any love for the Motherland but depicts a bleak picture.
When you sing Jana Gana Mana Adhinayaka, whom are you glorifying? Certainly not the Motherland. Is it God? The poem does not indicate that.
It is time now to understand the original purpose and the implication of this, rather than blindly sing as has been done the past fifty years.

Nehru chose the present national anthem as opposed to Vande Mataram because he thought that it would be easier for the band to play. It was an absurd reason but today for that matter bands have advanced and they can very well play any music. So they can as well play Vande Mataram, which is a far better composition in praise of our dear Motherland -India.

Wake up, it's high time! Vande Mataram should be our National Anthem.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rakhi ka swayamvar

I don’t know how many people know about this, there is this program called "Rakhi ka Swayamvar" that is being aired on NDTV Imagine and this is considered to be the heights of reality shows. Rakhi herself in my opinion is a crazy peer shaped nut and she is off to choose her life partner at the end of this show, and the best part is, Rakhi's brother is the co host in that show and he is the one who interviews all those probable candidates (oh mi gawd....what a family???). I am suprised by the way these channels invent such stupid ideas to increase their TRP ratings and this one surely tops the list....
Rakhi is well known for her controversies.I am seriously lost to digest the fact that the so called bridegroom's who are all educated and who are all coming from a well off family, why the hell they have to go so cheap ? The way those guys behave and beg is beyond words to explain, and occasionally those crocodile tears shed by Rakhi is focused and zoomed and freezed on our TV screens and there is this thin air of "suspense" when Rakhi decides whether that fellow is eligible for the next round or not, man, all these are bullshit and stupid. The funny stunts that the bridegrooms do to make Rakhi laugh is the most cruel part of that reality show, the dignity and pride that every individual should have on themselves is lost forever.

Then comes the interview part by her brother, he intended to ask some silly questions to those guys to read their mind eventually spoiled and damaged the character of his sister, some of his questions where like this and this is the part where I was ROTFL.

Bro: Are you ok in marrying an item girl, who dances on the TV half naked ? (What a brother ...)

Guy: Yes Ji, I don't mind, my heart on soul is for Rakhi, and she is just doing her profession ...

Bro: Don't you think that people will say that an actress would have slept with many people, and how will you deal that ? (This was the best question, I don't know if he intended to say the truth here ...)

Guy: That is all nonsense. Even I am travelling across to the GLOBE for my business, even people can say the same thing about me. (I think accidently he let the cat out of the bag)

Bro: After marriage if Rakhi kisses someone or she acts in a rape scene, will you object ? (I seriously doubt if he is her real brother)

Guy: Again, that is just acting right ? (His tone was like ... as if he is asking, it’s only acting naa ... tell me the truth daa ... kind of)

hewwh...what a crap is this?...Thank god i never saw this for more than 2 episodes.My instinct stopped me from watching these kinda shows . And yo this show is put up on prime time. Poor chennai people who dont get much hindi channels (NDTV Imagine is available...sad :( ) suffer the most.

My sincere request to you is dont try to watch this show.If you intend to do so,then you might have to apply for some medical leave :(

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vantage point -review

Recently i saw this film on HBO, its a Pete Travis film, “Vantage Point” hit number one in it’s first week in theaters. The film is not great, but is worth checking out. The idea behind the film is creative, I give it that much. The film opens with a typical “the President has been shot’ scene. After showing this scene the movie then travels back into time 23 minutes. The film then shows the 23 minutes leading up to the shooting from several different vantage points. While in essence this was a good idea, the viewer will easily get confused and probably a little bored with the repetition.The movie does redeem itself when learn of a surprising twist with the President.I won’t reveal the surprise in my review, but just keep in mind that everything is not as it seems with the President.Overall “Vanatage Point” is full of shooting and bombing, a typical car chase and some drama at the end. If you like actions or thrillers then you should check this one out. Expect something you haven’t seen before.

Friday, July 10, 2009

When i asked god for strength

When I Asked God for Strength
He Gave Me Difficult Situations to Face

When I Asked God for Brain & Brown
He Gave Me Puzzles in Life to Solve

When I Asked God for Happiness
He Showed Me Some Unhappy People

When I Asked God for Wealth
He Showed Me How to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Favors
He Showed Me Opportunities to Work Hard

When I Asked God for Peace
He Showed Me How to Help Others

God Gave Me Nothing I Wanted
He Gave Me Everything I Needed

First post yipeee....


This is my first humble attempt at blogging...
for those of you guys who are not too familiar with this concept -
its basically a discussion forum where you share your ideas views, discussions etc...

The primary aim and the focus of my blog is to share my experiences with you and vice versa.

Hope to get some feedback from you. And some constructive critisism.

Take Care
